
We can assign tarot cards for the current year and also the current period. The calculations can be complex and have been outlined below.
Calculation Types
There are 5 types of calculation used in numerology, these are listed below:

1. Reduction
2. Digit Combination
3. Modulus
4. Summation
5. Square Summation

1. Reduction
This is simply a process of summing the individual digits number until the result is a single digit between 1 and 9. For example reducing the date 16/07/1971 = 7+7+9 = 23 = 5

2. Digit Combination
This is when digits are combined together to form a larger number. For example the digit combination of 17, 4, 11 = 17411

3. Modulus
This is the remainder when one number is divided by another. For example [17 mod 5] = 2, there are 3 x 5s in 17 with a remainder of 2. Modulus will reduce any size number to one within a defined range, if M is a large number [M mod N] will reduce it to a number between 0 and N-1

4. Summation
Summation is the sum of all numbers up to and including the current number, represented by ∑n the formula for the summation of n is

∑n = 1/2n(n+1)

For example the summation of 122 = 1+2+3+ ..... +122 = 7,503

5. Square Summation
Square summation is more complex, it is the sum of all numbers squared up to and including the current number, represented by ∑n2 the formula for the summation of n is

∑n2 = 1/6n(n+1)(2n+1)

For example the square summation of 23 = 12+22+32+ ..... +232 = 4,324

Numerological Coefficients
These represent fixed values used in numerological calculations, they are:

1. Lunar Cycle Coefficient
This is the number of days in a complete lunar cycle, represented by the sign it equates to 29.53 days

2. Solar Year Coefficient
This is the number of days in a complete solar year, it equates to 365.24 days

3. Lunar Cycles per Solar Year
This is the number of lunar cycles in a complete solar year, it equates to 12.37 cycles

Numerological Components
The different components in themselves don't have any great meaning, it is when they are combined in a mathematical way and assigned to tarot cards that the meaning is brought out. A life path number of 5 for example means that you love your freedom, travel and enjoy free expression. Such people would ideally work for themselves and don't like being tied down to a particular shop, factory or office. However due to the general nature this does not provide much guidance and many other factors determine what you like to do. To determine the specific cards we use the following components:

1. Life Path Number
2. Chaldean Number
3. Personal Year
4. Birth Moon Phase
5. Current Moon Phase
6. Moon Phase Differential

1. Life Path Number
This is simply the date of birth reduced to one digit, for example 21/11/1967 = 3+2+5 = 10 = 1

2. Chaldean Number
This number, represented by will be determined by the birth surname and utilise the Chaldean system, this will reduce to a single digit

3. Personal Year
Take the date of birth, apply to the current year and reduce to a single digit, for example 21/11/1967, reduce 21/11/2018 = 3+2+2 = 7

4. Birth Moon Phase
The number of days into the current moon phase on the day you were born, this will be between 0 and 29

Knowing that there was a new moon on 1 January 1900, we just need to know the number of days between 01/01/1900 and the date of birth, say K. We then take [K mod ], leaving us with the number of days (rounded to whole number) into the moon phase

5. Current Moon Phase
The number of days into the current moon phase, similar to working out the birth moon phase but using the current date, this will be between 0 and 29

6. Moon Phase Differential
Simply the difference in days between your birth moon phase and the current moon phase

Year Card
This is a major arcana card which will serve as a high level guide for the current calendar year. A card such as the Devil or the moon does not imply anything bad will happen but means you need to be particularly wary of what is going on around you. To calculate the year card we do the following:

1. Combine the digits of the Life Path Number, Birth Moon Phase, Pythagorean Coefficient and Personal Year
2. Sum the digits of this 5 or 6 digit number into a total, say K
3. Take the [K mod 22], this will give a number between 0 and 21
4. Equate the number to the associated major arcana card

Current Card
This will serve as a guide to the current situation, the card will change according to the moon phase (3-5 days) and will be more of a practical pointer to what is happening at this point in time. Remember, you may not be consciously aware of what is going on around you! To calculate the current card we do the following:

1. Combine the digits of the Life Path Number, Pythagorean Coefficient, Personal Year and Moon Phase Differential
2. Sum the digits of this 6 to 7 digit number into a total, say K
3. Take the [K mod 56], this will give a number between 0 and 55
4. Add 1 to this to give a number between 1 and 56
5. Equate the number to the associated minor arcana tarot card

Updated: 10/12/2023